Terms of use

The company “L VANDOROS G GASPARATOS EPE” welcomes you to the website www.crepaland.gr is the online site of the company L VANDOROS G GASPARATOS EPE with VAT number: 999413359, located at VIPE ARGOSTOLIU 0, ARGOSTOLI TK 28100, and contact phone number 210 3830 435. This website www.crepaland.gr is the property of L VANDOROS G GASPARATOS EPE and is protected by the provisions of Law 2121/93 on intellectual property, as applicable from time to time.

Terms of use

The visitor/user/customer (hereinafter for the sake of brevity “the User”) of the www.crepaland.gr website must carefully read the terms of use and the conditions for the provision of services that follow, before visiting, using or making purchases through our pages and services and give his consent. In case of disagreement, he must not use them. The following terms of use apply to all content and to what is generally included on the pages of our Website. www.crepaland.gr may at any time modify the terms and conditions of use. No modification of these terms shall be considered and shall not form part of this agreement unless it is in writing and incorporated herein in its electronic form. The user must always check for possible changes and if he continues to use it, he is assumed to accept the modified terms and conditions. Otherwise, you must refrain from using/visiting our Website.

Intellectual Property Rights

The entire content of our Website, including, but not limited to, texts, news, graphics, photographs, layouts, illustrations, services provided and generally any kind of files, are the copyright, registered marks and service marks of www.crepaland .gr and are the subject of intellectual property (copyright) and are governed by the national and international provisions on Intellectual Property, with the exception of the expressly recognized rights of third parties. Therefore, it is expressly prohibited to reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, transmit, distribute, publish, perform, download, translate, modify in any way, in part or in whole without the express prior written consent of www.crepaland .gr. Exceptionally, it is permitted to individually store and copy parts of the content on a simple personal computer for strictly personal use (private study or research, educational purposes), without the intention of commercial or other exploitation and always under the condition of indicating the source of its origin, without this in any way implies a grant of intellectual property rights. It is also permitted to republish material for purposes of promoting the events and activities of www.crepaland.gr, provided that the source is mentioned and that no intellectual property rights are infringed, no trademarks are modified, altered or deleted. Everything else that is included on the electronic pages of our website and constitutes registered trademarks and intellectual property products of third parties is their own sphere of responsibility and has nothing to do with the www.crepaland.gr website.

User Obligations and Responsibilities

The User of our Website must, on the one hand, comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications, and on the other hand, refrain from any illegal and abusive use of the content and services of the Website Our place. Also, he must behave politely, courteously and discreetly during his visit and use of our Website, while the adoption of practices of unfair competition or others that are contrary to NETIQUETTE (CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTERNET USERS) is expressly prohibited. Any damage caused to our Website or the Internet in general, resulting from the bad or unfair use of the relevant services by the User falls within the sphere of his exclusive responsibility.

In case of sending e-mails you should:

✓ The elements and content of the message should not offend the creators or other users of the Website and the internet in general, as well as follow the laws, good manners and manners of using the internet.

✓ The User must have made sufficient efforts to remove viruses or other elements that may damage the Website of www.crepaland.gr or other Internet users.

✓ The messages will not contain advertising, but only an informational tone

✓ Messages will respect human rights and various minority groups.

✓ The messages provided can be used by www.crepaland.gr without any legal requirement from the User who provides them.

Limitation of Internet Liability

www.crepaland.gr, without guaranteeing and therefore being responsible, makes every effort to ensure that the information and all of the content are governed by maximum accuracy, clarity, timeliness, completeness, correctness and availability. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall www.crepaland.gr be held liable for any damage caused to the User as a result of this use of our Website.

The information and services are provided “as is”, without any express or implied guarantee, all of which are expressly denied by www.crepaland.gr, such as indicatively those of merchantability or suitability. www.crepaland.gr under no circumstances guarantees the uninterrupted and error-free provision of services and their content, nor even the absence of “viruses”, whether it is for its website, or for any other site or server through which their contents are obtained.

www.crepaland.gr reserves the right and sole discretion: (a) to make additions, improvements and/or modifications to any information and/or service and/or software provided on this Website, without notice, b ) to cease providing any service and/or software and to refrain from publishing on its Website and to delete from it any information or material provided or posted by the User, at any time without notice, mainly but not exclusively for reasons functionality, security or other necessary reasons, c) to use the suggestions or information available from users in any way it deems appropriate in the legal framework of use (as in the case of personal data protection).

Links to Other Sites

www.crepaland.gr does not manage the websites of third parties to which it refers through links (hyperlinks) or advertising banners, and is not responsible for their content. The links to other websites are provided for the convenience of the users of the www.crepaland.gr website, without this implying

a) that www.crepaland.gr embraces or accepts the content or services of external websites,

b) any relationship of www.crepaland.gr with the owners of external websites,

c) guarantee of www.crepaland.gr in terms of the protection of personal data, the availability, quality, completeness or correctness of the information and services contained in the websites of third parties, or in terms of security against virus transmission,

d) taking responsibility of www.crepaland.gr, for any misuse of the information contained in the external websites. Therefore, for any problem that occurs when visiting/using external websites, the User must contact the respective websites and their owners, who bear the relevant responsibility.

The legislation on intellectual and industrial property, trademarks or other relevant laws of any country protect the websites to which the www.crepaland.gr Website refers through links. The referral through a link by the agent to other websites, does not exclude the application of the above laws by the owners of the latter, in case of their violation during the use of the material contained in them.

Information Services (Newsletters, Newsletters)

They are provided by our Website to those users who wish to do so, after they have previously filled in a relevant form with some of their personal information mandatory and others optional, if they themselves want it and only then. In this way, they are registered as recipients of information for (e.g. Newsletters, Newsletters, etc.), without this in any way implying that they acquire intellectual property rights, which in any case are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek legislation, of the European and international conventions and belong exclusively to www.crepaland.gr. It is up to the discretion of www.crepaland.gr to register or not to the specific service, as well as the eventual deletion of each interested party. All personal data collected for any use by www.crepaland.gr are confidential. They are used exclusively for communication purposes and will not be disclosed to any third party.


The User of the Website expressly declares and hereby undertakes that in the event that any lawsuit, or other legal claim or administrative procedure is brought against the Website of www.crepaland.gr and stems from the violation by the User of any kind of third party rights , is obliged on the one hand to para enter into the judicial or administrative procedure and on the other hand fully compensate www.crepaland.gr, in case the latter is obliged to pay compensation or any other expense.

Applicable Law and Other Terms

This user agreement is governed by the provisions of Greek Law, and is interpreted based on the rules of good faith, commercial ethics and the economic and social purpose of the right. If any provision is deemed to be contrary to the law and therefore invalid or voidable, it automatically ceases to be valid, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms. No modification of the terms of this Agreement shall be considered or made a part of this Agreement unless made in writing and incorporated herein.